Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dax....highly recommended by dad

Kurt Russell is the one behind the Kate Hudson/Dax Shepard romance. Who knew? According to this week's Star, Russell had been worried about Kate since she divorced Robinson and ended her relationship with Owen Wilson.

"Kurt promised Kate it would get better, that happiness was around the corner. It looks like he was right," a source told Star.

"Kate is delighted! It's summer love at its best, and she's thrilled to be with someone who is making her heart beat faster," adds the source.

Kurt first met Shepard a few months ago and instantly thought he'd be a perfect match for Kate. "Kurt took a liking to Dax because he's a good ol' boy from the Midwest who Kurt thinks is trustworthy and reliable," says the source. Bonus? Dax is a sports fan and loves playing baseball- just like Kurt.

Kurt introduced Dax to Kate at a barbecue in late June. "Kate and Dax bonded immediately because Dax made her laugh. Kate likes his energy- Let’s just say Dax is the opposite of Owen. He’s down to earth and sincere. He's a keeper."


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